Iran Foreign Company Formation

Iran Foreign Company Registration

Our service area: Iran foreign Registration of a company service/ Registration of a company in Iran;

  • Accounts and audit service;
  • Income tax and financial advisory;
  • LLC/ branch office permission and business license;
  • Step by step Iran foreign Registration of a company process:
Shareholders To register joint stock company in Iran, minimum three partners are required.
Share Holders for limited liability company (LLC) Registering a limited liability company in Iran, there are two (2) share holders required.
Private Joint Stock As choice of new Registration of a company in Iran for foreigner is private joint stock
Capital requirement In case of private limited Registration of a company in Iran, RIS 1000K and RIS 5000K to register public limited company.
Joint Stock Share As a foreign company, up to 49 percent (%) shares are allowed to be raised.
Time of Registration of a company One month might be need to complete Registration of a company process in Iran for foreigner.

Branch Office set up in Iran

Following papers of parent company is required for branch office set up in Iran:

  • Forward an complete application to the authority board opening a branch Office;
  • MoA & AoA, Incorporation & directors information documents of the head Company;
  • Attach the financial record of 2 years of the main corporation and activities area of business papers ;
  • Forward application to the authority of investment control and guarantee bureau;
  • Agent who shall be carrying out the procedure of incorporation need to hire;
  • Investment in free zone area is permitted by Foreign Direct Investment Promotion & protection authority;
  • POA (authority of somebody) whom authorization has been dedicated legal way in favor of organization to procedure of Registration;
  • Chief Representative is responsible to transact activities but main organization is liable only;
  • 25 per cent income tax is applicable on overseas branch office business;
  • Documents conversion in Farsi language is want from authority to begin fresh such office;
  • Such offices are not allowed to involve in commercial and promotion activities here;
  • Those liaison enterprise is not tax payer as law of the country;

FAQ of Registration of a company in Iran

FAQ of company registration in Iran

  • What do you think is a 100 percent overseas owned corporation allowed and how much is the minimum share capital?

Answer: 100 percent foreign owned company is allowed in Iran. Minimum share capital is estimated 30 USD.

  • What is your opinion, Is there any rules of governing for MLM actions at Iran?

Answer: MLM (Multi-level marketing) is not allowed by Iranian laws.

  • Is there any prohibition on the activities of a overseas corporation?

Answer: There is no prohibition for foreign companies in any activities.

  • Whether a non-citizen be allowed to be appointed as a director and what are the condition?

Answer: A non-citizen is allowed to be director of Iranian company that 100 percent of shares owned by foreigners. The foreign director shall obtain work and resident permit.

  • How many minimum directors are requiring creating a board of director for a limited liability type company? Can all directors appointed are non-citizen of Iran?

Answer: minimum number of director of L.L.C. could be 2 persons. All directors could be foreigners.

  • How many minimum shareholders require for set up a limited liability company at Iran?

Answer: minimum number of shareholders of L.L.C. could be 2 persons including individuals or legal entities as policy of business Registration in Iran.

  • Are there any other approval or Registration a company (other than product Registration) before the company is allowed to run its business legally in Iran?

Answer: There isn't any other license required in any activities in Iran foreign Registration of a company.

Registration of a company Service in Iran for foreigner

We provide private limited, merger, JV Registration of a company service in Iran for foreigner. As summary of new Registration of a company in Iran are as follows:

  • Articles of association in 2 sets that will be prepared by us
  • Minutes of general assembly of founders shall be prepared by us
  • Minutes of board of directors, that shall be prepared by us
  • Application shall be provided by us,
  • Letter of incorporation shall be supplied by us
  • Copy of passports of all shareholders.

Power of Attorney is required to work on behalf of the directors for Iran foreign Registration of a company.

Fees of company incorporation in Iran

Subsidiary company, limited liability Company, branch office Registration fees is US$ 3999


Email us: [email protected]

Tehran, Iran


Business Consultant Since 2012